Hire Right, Succeed Big: David Busker’s Winning Team Formula

Bringing others into your business is vital for its success. To facilitate the process, there are a few things to keep in mind before, during, and after hiring. Author David Busker shared three simple yet powerful guidelines that will help you hire the “winning team,” as he says. “I learned a great deal about hiring not simply the best employees, but the right employees,” Busker writes. “People can make or break a workplace.” Here are his three tips:

  1. Set Your Hiring Standards: The most important thing here is to be specific about your standards. Abstract terms such as “strong worker” are too hard to visualize and identify. Creating a worker avatar will help you identify the right employee.
  2. Versatile Employees: Depending on the business you own, having cross-functional workers will be beneficial. “The obvious benefit is that employees can work or cover shifts in roles that are tangential to their own without a great deal of additional training. Moreover, we found that by encouraging cross-functional training, we empowered employees to be adaptable and confident in their roles,” writes Busker.
  3. Use Tech Tools: “Modern tech advances have been a game changer for small business owners, particularly when it comes to ongoing maintenance tasks like scheduling shifts, managing hours, and payroll,” says Busker. Such tech skills will facilitate the workplace and save time.

David Busker learned these lessons from his own experience. ZIVA is here to facilitate your hiring process. We will build your winning team and increase the productivity of your business. Aware of the challenges of building the right team, ZIVA is here to help you with this crucial process. Don’t hesitate to approach us to learn more about our process. With ZIVA, your winning team is a reality.