{"total":9,"posts":[{"url":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/2024\/06\/20\/embrace-flexibility-the-key-to-corporate-success\/","img":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/06\/WhatsApp-Image-2024-06-17-at-09.14.31.jpeg","date":"June 20, 2024","title":"Embrace Flexibility: The Key to Corporate Success","cat":"Hire","content":"What comes to mind when you hear the word “flexibility”? In a corporate context, flexibility is the ability to adapt quickly and effectively to changing circumstances. At ZIVA, we recognize the critical role of flexibility in today’s business environment, especially in the era of remote work. Feeling hesitant about embracing remote work for your company? […]"},{"url":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/2024\/06\/17\/the-impact-of-hiring-remote-workers-and-its-benefits\/","img":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/06\/WhatsApp-Image-2024-05-28-at-16.14.53.jpeg","date":"June 17, 2024","title":"The Impact of Hiring Remote Workers and Its Benefits","cat":"Hire","content":"Forbes reports a remarkable trend in employment: the surge in remote work. Between 2019 and 2021, the number of employees embracing this work style tripled, setting the stage for a transformative shift in the job landscape. As of 2023, 12.7% of the workforce operates remotely, a figure projected to climb to 22% by 2025. Such […]"},{"url":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/2024\/06\/17\/hire-right-succeed-big-david-buskers-winning-team-formula\/","img":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/06\/WhatsApp-Image-2024-06-10-at-08.30.35.jpeg","date":"June 17, 2024","title":"Hire Right, Succeed Big: David Busker\u2019s Winning Team Formula","cat":"Hire","content":"Bringing others into your business is vital for its success. To facilitate the process, there are a few things to keep in mind before, during, and after hiring. Author David Busker shared three simple yet powerful guidelines that will help you hire the \u201cwinning team,\u201d as he says. \u201cI learned a great deal about hiring […]"},{"url":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/2024\/06\/14\/remote-work-is-here-to-stay\/","img":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/06\/WhatsApp-Image-2024-06-20-at-12.07.08.jpeg","date":"June 14, 2024","title":"Remote Work is Here to Stay","cat":"Hire","content":"A Harvard article suggests that embracing remote work, even for just a few days each week, can offer significant benefits for both companies and employees. At ZIVA, we are committed to promoting the advantages of remote work, enabling employees and companies to cultivate a productive work environment. This approach not only enhances company profits and […]"},{"url":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/2024\/06\/13\/ziva-empowering-lives-shaping-the-future\/","img":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/06\/WhatsApp-Image-2024-06-04-at-17.38.24-1.jpeg","date":"June 13, 2024","title":"ZIVA: Empowering Lives, Shaping the Future","cat":"Hire","content":"In a world increasingly connected yet divided by distances, ZIVA stands at the forefront of a revolutionary movement where the quality of life for workers is paramount. At ZIVA, we are dedicated to unlocking the full potential of remote work, transforming the traditional employment landscape, and championing a future where both individuals and the environment […]"},{"url":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/2024\/06\/12\/remote-work-in-statistics\/","img":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/06\/WhatsApp-Image-2024-06-20-at-12.10.23.jpeg","date":"June 12, 2024","title":"Remote Work in Statistics","cat":"Hire","content":"ZIVA is aware that the modern workforce is quickly embracing remote work. As of 2023, 12.7% of full-time employees work remotely. By 2025, approximately 32.6 million Americans will be working remotely, according to Upwork. This shift underscores the evolving nature of workspaces, offering both flexibility and a semblance of traditional office presence. Remarkably, the preference […]"},{"url":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/2024\/06\/11\/how-remote-hiring-can-strenghten-global-customer-satisfaction\/","img":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/06\/WhatsApp-Image-2024-06-20-at-12.01.16.jpeg","date":"June 11, 2024","title":"How Remote Hiring Can Strenghten Global Customer Satisfaction","cat":"Hire","content":"Remote hiring can benefit companies and customers. In this article written by Antoine Boquen, he discusses the relationship between remote employees and customer benefits. Boquen argues that some companies still need to figure out how to hire employees living overseas. “With an international remote team, you may save on total payroll and talent acquisition costs, […]"},{"url":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/2024\/06\/07\/creating-a-healthy-environment-at-work-even-remotely\/","img":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/06\/WhatsApp-Image-2024-05-08-at-17.18.42.jpeg","date":"June 7, 2024","title":"Creating a Healthy Environment at Work Even Remotely","cat":"Hire","content":"Benjamin Laker wrote for Forbes: \u201cWhen you spend the majority of your time at work, it\u2019s essential to have a healthy environment. It\u2019s no secret that a healthy work environment is crucial to both our physical and mental well-being. In fact, studies have shown that happy employees are more productive, have lower levels of stress, […]"},{"url":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/2024\/05\/21\/time-a-precious-and-unique-tool-how-do-you-manage-it\/","img":"https:\/\/ziva.team\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/05\/WhatsApp-Image-2024-05-21-at-14.53.59.jpeg","date":"May 21, 2024","title":"Time – A Precious and Unique Tool. How do you manage it?","cat":"Work","content":"Navigating the vast expanse of remote work demands a mastery of time management\u2014a skill that can unlock the doors to unparalleled productivity. However, for those grappling with the challenge of balancing myriad responsibilities, Harvard’s insights offer a guiding light amidst the uncertainty. In a compelling article, the university advocates for strategic time-saving techniques, including the […]"}]}